Great tidbit of local color...
Moroccans refer to Muslim women in full hajib and burka as being UWOs - unidentified walking objects:)
After packing up our 4 x 4 vehicles, we head out for our journey to Tineghir with our first stop being a Berber cemetery. We learn that the Berbers wrap their dead in a white shroud and lay them on their right side (because the left side is considered evil) with their head facing Mecca. The shrouded body is then covered with slabs of stone to prevent animals from disturbing it, then covered completely with smaller rocks.
Camels in Rissani - especially one who enjoys Coca Cola. (Below) Berber cemetery in the Sahara Desert. |
The stunning scenery and panoramic Todra Gorge in the oasis town of Tineghir. |
Hotel Yasmina in Erb Chebbi began with a dream from a man who originally lived in the cave above the current hotel (see large photo above). Eventually he saved enough money to build the hotel which is now run by his descendants. He is in his early 90s.
Eight of us (4 women and 4 men) decided to visit the hammam (Turkish steam baths). In the women's hammam, we shed all our clothing except underpants. Then we were covered in henna and black soap, which made our skin feel very silky. Once the soap was applied, our young Moroccan ladies scrubbed us with a loofa about as rough as coarse sandpaper (I think my entire suntan was removed when I saw all the dead skin on my body). Then we were rinsed with a couple of buckets of very warm water. Once that was completed, our hair was shampooed and brushed with a stiff-bristled brush that felt absolutely wonderful (I kept picturing a horse with its mane being brushed to a glossy sheen). During the final step in the process we were soaped from top to bottom, had a quick massage and were rinsed again. It was a great relaxing experience.
We were informed of a last-minute hotel change to the Kasbah Lamrati, and upon our departure, we are told that we were the very last OAT group to stay here because of the staff's refusal to upgrade the very mediocre breakfasts and dinners they offered during our stay.
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